Snooker Table Information

We currently have 5 snooker tables which are all heated and are steel-blocked meaning they are more responsive to play on than a normal snooker table. These are re-clothed frequently to ensure that the condition of the table are maintained to a high level. Our 2 match tables have cloths similar to what you would experience on the professional circuit.

Hourly Rate

10:00 - 12:00 | £4.00 per hour

12:00 - 18:00 | £6.00 per hour

18:00 - 22:00 | £7.00 per hour

Snooker match tables are an additional £2 per hour, these are tables 9 and 10.

Local Norwich Snooker Teams

Information on league team results can be found

UK League Snooker
A hero image
A hero image

Norwich Snooker Tournament Information

Pinches Cue Club runs monthly handicap snooker tournaments, you can find out more by contacting the club. These are normally run on a Sunday and handicaps are set by the tournament organiser and limited to 32 players.

Resident Professional Snooker player Barry Pinches

Barry has been a professional snooker player since the late 1980's, having been a ranking quarter-finalist twice and winner of a PTC ranking event in 2010 beating Mark Williams in the semi-final and Ronnie O'sullivan in the final. His son Luke also has similar ambitions to follow his father.

To see the latests professional results for Barry please use the button below

Cue Tracker

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