Pool Table Information
We currently have 8 Supreme pool tables, six in the main snooker and pool area with the other two in the bar area. These are re-clothed frequently to ensure that the condition of the tables are maintained to a high level.
Hourly Rate
10:00 - 12:00 | £4.00 per hour
12:00 - 18:00 | £6.00 per hour
18:00 - 22:00 | £7.00 per hour


Norwich Pool Tournament Information
Pinches Cue Club runs monthly pool tournaments, you can find out more by contacting the club. These are normally run on a Saturday or Sunday and limited to 16 players.
Norwich Pool League Information
Pinches Cue Club has several teams competing in the local pool leagues, if you want to learn more about the league please use the link below.
Norwich Tunmore Pool League